Yoga Practice: Week 1

Being an athlete, I already have some experience with yoga. I used to half-ass my yoga classes after my sports practices. I never really saw any benefits from my classes, because I was a stubborn kid. After a life changing experience, following the death of my brother, I turned to yoga for some spiritual enlightenment. This class is perfect for me. 

To start my weekly practice, I went to my parents house and asked my mom if she knew any yoga teachers. Luckily for me her best friend was Yoga instructor, so I asked if we could set up an appointment with her, she agreed. we take a ride over to her house and she brings us into her basement which is filled with everything Yoga. Immediately walking in, I could feel a sense of relaxation and calmness. She told us to "leave your bullshit at the door." That saying alone gave me an idea of what to expect this class, which is focusing on bettering yourself. 

It was just me and my mom in the sacred place that lies within my instructor's basement, so unfortunately I could only look at my mom... I did notice however, that the instructor seemed to be really comfortable with herself. To start off the session we did some thoracic and abdominal breathing. As I exhale, I notice different sounds in the room; the fan spinning, her dogs barking upstairs, her water heater powering  on. It is crazy to think about what you can hear and feel when you relax your body. These breathing techniques, literally made me leave all my bullshit at the door. 

During my postural exercises, I started to notice all of her posters and paintings she has. She has a lot of positive mantras all over her walls, and every person in her paintings was doing some sort of yoga practice, whether it was a breathing technique or a pose. Just the fact that she took the time to make her sacred place, sacred, gave me a huge sense of contentment. I felt as if I belong at that studio and nothing else in the world mattered. 



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